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Preparation system with docking station

Product code: BESSY-NMAG-PS

A full featured sample preparation system, tailored for the SPEEM of beamlin UE49 was designed an built in 2006/2007. The PEEM-PS includes all sample exchange and sample manipulation devices needed to transfer and store the Elmitec type sampleholders. It is equipped with a fast entry loadlock system and an interchange chamber which directly connects to the preparation station of the PEEM. A vertical Omniax manipulator with heating and cooling option is provided. The UHV system is designed for a guaranteed base pressure in the 10E-11mbar range. It allows for the installation of standard surface science tools such as LEED, Auger, evaporators, thickness monitor, ion sputtering gun, mass spectrometer and many more. Please contact us for a detailed discussion of your requirements.

Specifications: Preparation system with docking station

- Turnkey UHV system for in situ preparation of samples on Elmitec holders. - loadlock system - sample transfer to PEEM - base pressure < 1*10E-10mbar - bakeout tent, bakeout controller - air and cooling water distribution - gas inlet system, leak valve - analytical equipment according to the requirements of the customer
Distribution chamber, connecting the PS to the PEEM.

Possibly an end-user certificate (EUC) is required from purchaser.
Export licence from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) or Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) may be required

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